Unleash Your Potential: Alpha Mindset For Men - Confidence, Dreams, Relationships (John Winters Book Review)
00:00:00 Alpha Mindset -A Guide For Men
00:03:58 Winning In Life.
00:11:57 Nothing In Your Life Happens By Chance.
00:25:05 The Alpha Way.
00:27:54 The Alpha Mindset.
Alpha Mindset -A Guide For Men: How To Build Self-Confidence, Dream Big,
Overcome Fear, And Build Better Relationships By: John Winters
Hear it Here - https://bit.ly/AlphaMindset
Feeling stuck? Want to build rock-solid confidence, dream big, and
conquer your fears? John Winters' "Alpha Mindset" dives deep into the
power of mindset for men.
Alpha Mindset -A Guide For Men:
Speaker:How To Build Self-Confidence,
Speaker:Dream Big,
Speaker:Overcome Fear,
Speaker:And Build Better Relationships Written by
Speaker:John Winters
Speaker:Narrated by Russell Newton.
Speaker:“Don’t explain your philosophy.
Speaker:Embody it."
Speaker:― Epictetus.
Speaker:A lot of people talk about what they
Speaker:are going to do,
Speaker:but very few follow through on those
Speaker:Talking is easy but following through
Speaker:on what you said is not easy.
Speaker:Unfortunately the level of mediocrity
Speaker:among men has created a general
Speaker:impression that most men are just
Speaker:It also exposes the reality that very
Speaker:few men have real substance in the
Speaker:words they use when they communicate
Speaker:with the world.
Speaker:As humans,
Speaker:we like to think that we are rational
Speaker:but most of the time we act on our
Speaker:We allow our emotions and past
Speaker:conditioning to steer us in a way that
Speaker:leads to unhappiness and failure.
Speaker:Unfortunately this way of living life
Speaker:leads to men making bad decisions that
Speaker:hurt them long-term.
Speaker:It leads to long-term unhappiness and
Speaker:men living far below their potential.
Speaker:Men don’t have the luxury of being
Speaker:careless in life.
Speaker:We need to step up,
Speaker:take control and get things done.
Speaker:Unfortunately we live in a world that
Speaker:encourages mediocrity.
Speaker:It encourages men to blend into the
Speaker:group and just be “normal”
Speaker:Men are told to just “Be
Speaker:themselves”This has created a world
Speaker:where a lot of men have lost touch with
Speaker:what they are and what they are capable
Speaker:Men have lost touch with an ancient
Speaker:story that runs through their veins.
Speaker:Men fail to recognize that the body
Speaker:they live in is the same body our
Speaker:ancestors lived in hundreds of
Speaker:thousands of years ago.
Speaker:Yes the world around us has changed.
Speaker:There has been a population explosion
Speaker:and most people live in the cities.
Speaker:The problem is our brains didn’t
Speaker:evolve to function in modern societies
Speaker:with millions of people.
Speaker:Our brains evolved to live in small
Speaker:groups and villages.
Speaker:This modern reality has led to many
Speaker:advances and advantages,
Speaker:but it has also led to modern problems
Speaker:and challenges.
Speaker:One of the big problems is that men
Speaker:have lost touch with who they are and
Speaker:lost touch with their true potential.
Speaker:Men find it hard to overcome the
Speaker:overwhelming combination of modern
Speaker:culture and technology.
Speaker:This book is not going to be about what
Speaker:happened to society.
Speaker:This book is about how you can
Speaker:reconnect with your full potential as a
Speaker:It’s about building a powerful alpha
Speaker:mindset so you can go after anything
Speaker:you want,
Speaker:overcome any obstacle and create the
Speaker:life you want.
Speaker:This book is not a magic pill,
Speaker:this book is a guide for you to take
Speaker:the necessary steps so you can live the
Speaker:life of your dreams.
Speaker:You will have to do the hard work to
Speaker:get the results you want but you will
Speaker:have a guide to get you where you want
Speaker:to go.
Speaker:Most personal development books only
Speaker:tell you about certain steps to take to
Speaker:improve your condition.
Speaker:My philosophy is different in the sense
Speaker:that I am encouraging you to embrace
Speaker:the philosophy and become the person
Speaker:you want to be.
Speaker:Don’t just think and talk about it.
Speaker:become what you want to be.
Speaker:Embody it!
Speaker:Like I mentioned at the beginning of
Speaker:this book too many people talk but done
Speaker:walk the walk.
Speaker:So I hope you embrace the philosophy in
Speaker:this book so you can see real
Speaker:transformation in your life.
Speaker:Building a powerful Alpha Mindset will
Speaker:give you a new framework to see the
Speaker:world and get as much as you can from
Speaker:your time on this planet.
Speaker:So take the first step to transform
Speaker:your life.
Speaker:See you on the other side.
Speaker:Chapter 1 Winning In Life.
Speaker:So you purchased this book because you
Speaker:think it might improve your current
Speaker:life condition.
Speaker:Because you think it might help you
Speaker:start winning in life.
Speaker:The truth is that you can start
Speaker:improving your life right now right
Speaker:here in this moment by making a choice.
Speaker:A choice to change your life.
Speaker:It’s a conscious choice.
Speaker:People think that mindset is just a
Speaker:feel-good idea.They think it’s
Speaker:something people just talk about.
Speaker:They think it’s just something that
Speaker:makes people feel better about
Speaker:The truth is that there is nothing more
Speaker:important than your mindset.
Speaker:The irony is that most people spend
Speaker:almost zero time working on their own
Speaker:The reality is to raise your quality of
Speaker:life you have to take conscious control
Speaker:over your mind.
Speaker:Your mindset will make or break you in
Speaker:this life or the next.
Speaker:When it comes to winning and success
Speaker:there is a starting point that is not
Speaker:That starting point is the decision to
Speaker:Stop whatever you are doing.
Speaker:Go sit down and take a deep breath,
Speaker:you just decide.
Speaker:Decide that you will win in this life.
Speaker:You make that choice.That is it.
Speaker:What follows this decision is you
Speaker:taking the actions needed to get the
Speaker:results no matter what.
Speaker:Start approaching life like an artist.
Speaker:Start creating your life.
Speaker:You need to take control of your mind.
Speaker:The most powerful goal-seeking machine
Speaker:in the known universe is the human
Speaker:Start analyzing your psychology,
Speaker:your habits,
Speaker:your actions,
Speaker:your diet,
Speaker:your job,
Speaker:your relationships,
Speaker:your business,
Speaker:and everything else in your life.
Speaker:Then realize that you created all of
Speaker:Whether it was consciously or
Speaker:you created it.
Speaker:Winning does not come automatically.
Speaker:You made the decision and now the hard
Speaker:work starts.
Speaker:What will your platform be for your
Speaker:you start a business or become part of
Speaker:a company?
Speaker:Will you do some kind of professional
Speaker:job like a doctor or engineer?
Speaker:Whatever your mission is it must be
Speaker:based on the objective of being the
Speaker:best in whatever you do.
Speaker:For now,
Speaker:just think about it,
Speaker:we will go into this idea in more
Speaker:detail later.
Speaker:Financially independent.
Speaker:Your mission must include getting
Speaker:wealthy.It doesn’t matter what your
Speaker:mission is,
Speaker:you need money and lots of it.
Speaker:To live life on your terms you need
Speaker:financial stability and freedom.
Speaker:Your mindset is key to becoming
Speaker:financially independent.
Speaker:You need to create an environment in
Speaker:your life that is primarily focused on
Speaker:your mission.
Speaker:Everything must be aligned with your
Speaker:decision to win in this game of life.
Speaker:This includes building systems and
Speaker:structures in your life.
Speaker:These structures must include the
Speaker:following - (1)Mindset.
Speaker:Mindset work should be your priority.
Speaker:Everything else will follow if you get
Speaker:this right.
Speaker:Make this your starting point - a
Speaker:decision that you will start winning.
Speaker:You will find a way to win.
Speaker:You must find any excuse to win and
Speaker:keep on winning.
Speaker:It must become a habit for you to win.
Speaker:Just like it’s a habit for many
Speaker:people to lose.
Speaker:Your way of thinking must be observed,
Speaker:and mastered.
Speaker:What you think you become.
Speaker:We will talk about this more in later
Speaker:You must create an environment in your
Speaker:life that is aligned with your vision
Speaker:and goals.
Speaker:Cut out people holding you back and all
Speaker:negative influences.
Speaker:This means spending less time or
Speaker:cutting out people that don’t have
Speaker:your best interests at heart.
Speaker:You must read,
Speaker:listen and keep improving yourself.
Speaker:You must be a learning machine.
Speaker:You have to turn your mental and
Speaker:physical environment into a place that
Speaker:is totally aligned with your mission.
Speaker:What you read and listen to you become.
Speaker:What you surround yourself with you
Speaker:will become.
Speaker:(3)Your body.
Speaker:Everything in life is connected.
Speaker:Your mind cannot function at its peak
Speaker:potential if you don’t take care of
Speaker:your body.
Speaker:Your body is your vehicle and you must
Speaker:turn your body into your powerful
Speaker:The stronger and healthier you are the
Speaker:better quality of life you will have.
Speaker:Consistently exercising and eating
Speaker:healthy will fuel you to go above and
Speaker:beyond to reach your goals.
Speaker:The more you exercise the better you
Speaker:(4)Your Fuel.
Speaker:You need to fuel your body with healthy
Speaker:nutrient-dense food.
Speaker:Limit anything from a box and a plastic
Speaker:You don’t need anything fancy or
Speaker:Just eat stuff that comes from an
Speaker:animal or from the soil.
Speaker:All you need is meat,
Speaker:and some whey protein.
Speaker:That’s it.
Speaker:To optimize your health,
Speaker:get some high-quality supplements.
Speaker:Not all supplements are equal so if you
Speaker:do supplement get quality supplements.
Speaker:Things will happen in your life,
Speaker:things will not always go as you plan
Speaker:It’s called life.
Speaker:Things go wrong.
Speaker:The important thing is how you react?
Speaker:The key is to be flexible.
Speaker:Darwin famously said the species that
Speaker:survive are the ones that are most
Speaker:So adapt to your environment.
Speaker:Make it work,
Speaker:you must find a way to win.
Speaker:Whatever it is you are doing you must
Speaker:be consistent.
Speaker:Every action you take in your life must
Speaker:be consistent.
Speaker:In business,
Speaker:or anything else,
Speaker:be consistent.
Speaker:Consistency is one of the biggest
Speaker:deciding factors of winning and losing.
Speaker:Being consistent is key.
Speaker:Be consistent with the right things.
Speaker:Do things that matter and do them
Speaker:(7)Be Relentless.
Speaker:Become the guy that’s always in the
Speaker:Never give up,
Speaker:always keep on moving forward.
Speaker:Become that guy that always comes back
Speaker:When everyone thinks you are done you
Speaker:get up again.
Speaker:Keep on pounding that punching bag
Speaker:relentlessly and don’t stop.
Speaker:Become absolutely relentlessly focused
Speaker:on your mission.
Speaker:Don’t let anything stop you.
Speaker:If a wall appears in front of you then
Speaker:build a door.
Speaker:Whatever happens to you keep going.
Speaker:If you can’t walk then crawl.
Speaker:If you can’t crawl then get someone
Speaker:to carry you,
Speaker:but keep going.
Speaker:People will try and stop you.
Speaker:This will happen when you decide to
Speaker:change your ways and start winning.
Speaker:They will ask you why you are
Speaker:walk away and get back to what you were
Speaker:When you make the decision to win you
Speaker:will be different.
Speaker:You made a decision and you made a
Speaker:mindset shift.
Speaker:You are starting to see the truth.
Speaker:And the truth is that everything is
Speaker:your responsibility.
Speaker:The truth is that you must build your
Speaker:life brick by brick starting with your
Speaker:it’s called personal development.
Speaker:If you want to develop yourself start
Speaker:with your mind.If you want to win then
Speaker:build your mindset on the foundation of
Speaker:a decision to win.
Speaker:Nothing In Your Life Happens By Chance.
Speaker:Nothing in your life happens by chance.
Speaker:All the things that look like an
Speaker:accident were all put in motion by the
Speaker:oldest law in the universe.
Speaker:This law has a name - cause and effect.
Speaker:Your life and my life and everything in
Speaker:this universe are governed by cause and
Speaker:For example,
Speaker:if you go to a casino and see someone
Speaker:roll the dice and you think it’s by
Speaker:chance that it landed in a certain way.
Speaker:You are wrong.
Speaker:There were cause and effect forces at
Speaker:Things we can’t see and comprehend as
Speaker:For example -
Speaker:•The pressure of the hands.
Speaker:•The speed of the hands.
Speaker:•The humidity in the room.
Speaker:•Speed of flight through the air.
Speaker:It’s the same with your life.
Speaker:The first member of your distant family
Speaker:thousands of years ago decided to go
Speaker:after a certain female.
Speaker:And the end result is that you are here
Speaker:right now reading these words.
Speaker:It’s all a chain of events based on
Speaker:certain cause and effect events.
Speaker:we don’t have control over all these
Speaker:cause-and-effect actions.
Speaker:But there are many we can control or at
Speaker:least influence.
Speaker:Being conscious of this cause and
Speaker:effect at play everywhere gives you the
Speaker:Being objective exposes your own
Speaker:Looking objectively at your life ask
Speaker:yourself this question - Are you the
Speaker:cause or are you the effect?
Speaker:Most people are largely being steered
Speaker:by outside forces and influences.
Speaker:If you are the cause in your life it
Speaker:means you are in control.
Speaker:It means you know there are powerful
Speaker:universal laws at play at all times.
Speaker:And you learned that you should get
Speaker:control and be the cause.
Speaker:If you are not the cause you will get
Speaker:swept away and be the effect.
Speaker:You become the cause by studying and
Speaker:evaluating your own life.
Speaker:You must investigate how you are being
Speaker:influenced by outside forces that are
Speaker:steering you in directions that you
Speaker:want to avoid.
Speaker:For example -
Speaker:•You watch T. V. every day for hours
Speaker:and the influence of a specific T. V.
Speaker:show is steering your mind in a certain
Speaker:•You are at university or at a
Speaker:company surrounded by a certain group
Speaker:of people that don’t have your best
Speaker:interests at heart and they are
Speaker:influencing you by what they say and
Speaker:the way they act.
Speaker:•You haven’t exercised for months,
Speaker:maybe even years,
Speaker:and your body is deteriorating.
Speaker:•You haven’t read a book since high
Speaker:so you are being left behind
Speaker:•You haven’t eaten a healthy
Speaker:nutritious meal in years so your body
Speaker:is open to infection and disease.
Speaker:•You watch mainstream news every day
Speaker:so your mind is negative and fearful.
Speaker:•You react to things with emotion and
Speaker:without thinking,
Speaker:this leads to bad decisions in your
Speaker:•You are working in a dead end job
Speaker:that leads you to being unhappy.
Speaker:•You listen to toxic music every day
Speaker:that make you depressed.
Speaker:•You let people treat you badly which
Speaker:makes you feel bad about yourself?
Speaker:•You use toxic soap and deodorant for
Speaker:20 years and this leads to you
Speaker:compromising your health.
Speaker:The many possible chains of events are
Speaker:What Does This All Mean?
Speaker:It means every action no matter how
Speaker:small has a reaction.
Speaker:For example,
Speaker:someone will say” I can’t lose
Speaker:weight,I have tried everything but it
Speaker:doesn’t work."
Speaker:But if you go and examine this
Speaker:person’s life you realize they drink
Speaker:5 Cafe Lattes every day with 3
Speaker:teaspoons of sugar in every cup.
Speaker:That’s 15 teaspoons of sugar every
Speaker:So the cause is always there if you
Speaker:look closely.
Speaker:What this means is that you have the
Speaker:power to influence the outcome in your
Speaker:If you can identify your most important
Speaker:cause and effect actions in your life
Speaker:then you can change them.
Speaker:You can change them in a way that
Speaker:causes you to get the outcome you want.
Speaker:If you do this you take control.
Speaker:That means you can create and design
Speaker:habits that set a chain of cause and
Speaker:effect events into play that creates
Speaker:the outcomes that you want.
Speaker:The biggest problem is that most people
Speaker:have habits that they are not even
Speaker:aware of having.
Speaker:They are not aware that they are
Speaker:getting fat and unhealthy because of
Speaker:the food they eat every single day.
Speaker:They are not aware that they are
Speaker:wasting and poisoning their minds and
Speaker:life by watching hours of T. V. every
Speaker:They are not aware that consistent
Speaker:drinking every weekend is causing the
Speaker:depression and chaos in the week that
Speaker:They are not aware of the massive power
Speaker:of the law of cause and effect.
Speaker:Everything in the universe we live in
Speaker:gets noticed by the energy field we
Speaker:operate in.
Speaker:This means all the actions you take get
Speaker:noticed by this energy field.
Speaker:Cause and effect can’t be avoided or
Speaker:Cause and effect are not limited to the
Speaker:physical world that you see around you.
Speaker:The way you think sets the same law
Speaker:into motion and has even more powerful
Speaker:If you consistently think about bad
Speaker:things happening then the effects of
Speaker:those thoughts over weeks and months
Speaker:and even years will be seen.
Speaker:If you consistently think negatively
Speaker:the negative effects will be seen.
Speaker:But the opposite is also true.
Speaker:If you change the way you think you
Speaker:will see the opposite.
Speaker:Empowering thoughts will change the
Speaker:The way you think about yourself
Speaker:consistently also sets the law of cause
Speaker:and effect into motion.
Speaker:If you constantly think you are not
Speaker:good enough then guess what?
Speaker:The effect is that you will not be good
Speaker:But if you consistently think that you
Speaker:are good enough then you will be good
Speaker:“As a man thinketh” is not just a
Speaker:book title.
Speaker:It’s the way the human mind works.
Speaker:What you consistently think you become.
Speaker:So the law is present everywhere in the
Speaker:You can see it both in the physical and
Speaker:mental planes.
Speaker:Where does this leave you?
Speaker:It leaves you in a position of control.
Speaker:But you only get control if you choose
Speaker:to consciously take control.
Speaker:Take control of the way you think.
Speaker:Take control of your actions
Speaker:consistently and see your world change
Speaker:for the good.
Speaker:Or don’t!
Speaker:And see the effects happening around
Speaker:So you have a choice.
Speaker:Take control or just drift down the
Speaker:invisible stream of time until you wake
Speaker:up in a place without knowing how you
Speaker:got there.
Speaker:You Have 2 Weapons.
Speaker:You will have 2 weapons to take back
Speaker:control of your mind and take your life
Speaker:to the next level.The first is your
Speaker:The second is your.
Speaker:How badly do you want that dream life?
Speaker:Your willpower will guide you there.
Speaker:The will is that beautiful unseen force
Speaker:that pushes you beyond all expectations.
Speaker:That force creates momentum.
Speaker:That force creates everything you ever
Speaker:wanted.If you allow your will to grow
Speaker:then you can transform your reality.
Speaker:How do you grow your will?
Speaker:You get a clear picture in your mind of
Speaker:the life you want to live and the
Speaker:person you want to become and you go
Speaker:after that with everything you have.
Speaker:You remember the pain from the past.
Speaker:You use that pain and let it push you.
Speaker:You remember the life vision you have
Speaker:for yourself and you let it push you.
Speaker:You let your Will grow into a lion.
Speaker:Then you will go above and beyond the
Speaker:forces that are trying to stop you.
Speaker:You will go above and beyond your own
Speaker:limitations and you push forward.
Speaker:But before you can create all this you
Speaker:must answer the most important question
Speaker:- Who are you becoming?
Speaker:No one is coming to save you.
Speaker:How is your life right now?
Speaker:or bad?
Speaker:Is your back against the wall?
Speaker:Do you hate your life?
Speaker:Do you hate your job?
Speaker:Do hate the relationship you are in?
Speaker:Do you hate the fact that you struggle
Speaker:to meet women?
Speaker:Do you hate all your credit card debt?
Speaker:Do you hate being overweight and fat?
Speaker:Do you hate being weak?
Speaker:Are you waiting for someone to save
Speaker:you?If you are waiting for that then
Speaker:stop because I have some bad news.
Speaker:Nobody is coming to save you.
Speaker:There is no one coming to give you a
Speaker:hug or a pat on the back.
Speaker:The brutal truth is you are alone in
Speaker:this world.This is the truth.
Speaker:girlfriends are not there to guide you.
Speaker:You are there to guide them.
Speaker:If you want to walk like a lion you
Speaker:need to accept the reality of a lion.
Speaker:A male lion walks alone.
Speaker:He must face life’s battles alone
Speaker:You must lead.
Speaker:Other people have their own problems,
Speaker:their own lives to take care of.
Speaker:So if you are looking for a hug or
Speaker:someone to come and save you then know
Speaker:this - If you reading these words the
Speaker:chances are good that you are in the
Speaker:darkness right now.
Speaker:Maybe you are not aware that you are
Speaker:alone in the darkness.Or maybe you just
Speaker:realized it.
Speaker:The fact that you get born alone and
Speaker:die alone might come as a shock to you
Speaker:or it might be a liberation.
Speaker:It could be your savior.
Speaker:It could be the spark that liberates
Speaker:you from the mental shackles that are
Speaker:holding you back?
Speaker:Why will this liberate you?
Speaker:It liberates you when you stop blaming
Speaker:other people,
Speaker:other events.
Speaker:It liberates you when you stop
Speaker:It liberates you when you stop
Speaker:and looking for sympathy.
Speaker:It liberates you when you stop waiting
Speaker:for a pat on the back.
Speaker:It liberates you when you stop.
Speaker:And then something beautiful will
Speaker:You will have a choice.
Speaker:There will be 2 roads to choose from -
Speaker:Road number 1 - You can say “I’m
Speaker:done”...then go lie down and cry in
Speaker:the fetus position.
Speaker:Or Road number 2 - You can say “I’m
Speaker:taking control.
Speaker:I’m going to become a lion walking
Speaker:around on this planet” .
Speaker:If you choose option 2 and take action
Speaker:you will realize something more
Speaker:You realize how much you can accomplish
Speaker:in your life if you walk alone and get
Speaker:down to business.
Speaker:So you had bad things happen to you in
Speaker:the past?
Speaker:Some people don’t like you?
Speaker:You are in a bad spot right now?
Speaker:You are feeling angry?
Speaker:These emotions are powerful.
Speaker:Use and channel them into that power
Speaker:funnel of your heart and let it pump
Speaker:through your veins.
Speaker:Let those emotions liberate you.
Speaker:Let it liberate you to take action in
Speaker:your life.
Speaker:Whatever it is you need to do know this
Speaker:- it’s possible.
Speaker:You can do it if you liberate your mind
Speaker:and take action.
Speaker:It’s as simple as that.
Speaker:Change the way you think.
Speaker:The rest you will figure out as you go
Speaker:Start fighting back.
Speaker:Take back your power.
Speaker:One step at a time.
Speaker:How do you start to move forward?
Speaker:You just get up and take that first
Speaker:step into the fight.
Speaker:Then take the next step and start
Speaker:rebuilding your life.
Speaker:Become the hero of your own movie.
Speaker:Write a new life script.
Speaker:This is your power.
Speaker:You have the power of a King inside you.
Speaker:All you have to do is pick up your
Speaker:sword and make things happen.
Speaker:Start believing again.The universe will
Speaker:guide you but you need to step up into
Speaker:the light.You must embrace the spirit
Speaker:of your inner warrior.
Speaker:Take a look around.Look around you at
Speaker:your job or office.
Speaker:Look around you in the streets.Look
Speaker:around you wherever you go.
Speaker:See how many men are walking around
Speaker:cowering with their shoulders hanging?
Speaker:Those men have given up without a fight
Speaker:They had a choice just like you.
Speaker:They came to a fork in the road and
Speaker:they had to choose one.
Speaker:They chose to pack it all up and play
Speaker:it safe.
Speaker:They saw the fight coming and chose to
Speaker:The question for you is simple but the
Speaker:most important question of your life -
Speaker:What are you going to do?
Speaker:Are you going to run?
Speaker:Or turn around and confront yourself?
Speaker:Your choice!
Speaker:The Alpha Way.
Speaker:The topic of the Alpha male is
Speaker:something that people talk about a lot
Speaker:Women refer to some men as alpha.
Speaker:And men try to define what alpha means
Speaker:to themselves.
Speaker:They ask questions like - “What are
Speaker:the qualities of an Alpha Male?"
Speaker:“What makes a man an alpha male?"
Speaker:“Am I an Alpha Male?"
Speaker:These are the questions that many men
Speaker:ask themselves and others.
Speaker:These are also the types of questions
Speaker:and arguments I see online.
Speaker:Of course,
Speaker:men have their own ideas of what an
Speaker:Alpha Male is.
Speaker:They adapt the definition of an alpha
Speaker:male to make sure they fall into that
Speaker:Before we go into what I think an alpha
Speaker:male is I want to say a few general
Speaker:things about the concept of being an
Speaker:“Alpha Male”
Speaker:The first thing is that most men are
Speaker:not born a total Alpha.
Speaker:Some are born with more natural alpha
Speaker:qualities and others with less.
Speaker:But we all have the potential to
Speaker:develop those qualities if we choose to
Speaker:do so.
Speaker:There is always a set of circumstances
Speaker:that allows for men to develop into
Speaker:Alpha Males.
Speaker:Men are born with many or very few
Speaker:alpha male qualities but then the
Speaker:qualities either get developed or
Speaker:A lot of this is about the conditioning
Speaker:you grow up with as a toddler and into
Speaker:your adulthood.
Speaker:If your foundation is solid as a child
Speaker:and as a young man then you develop
Speaker:those qualities and potential even more
Speaker:as an adult.
Speaker:So the good news is that at any time
Speaker:you can decide to drop your Beta
Speaker:conditioning and develop your Alpha
Speaker:Is it easy to drop your beta
Speaker:it’s not.
Speaker:It’s hard,
Speaker:but with work,
Speaker:you can develop those qualities.
Speaker:Another part of being alpha that many
Speaker:people miss is that being Alpha does
Speaker:not mean you are a good or virtuous man.
Speaker:Alphas can be good and virtuous.
Speaker:Or they can be dark and evil or
Speaker:anyplace in between on the spectrum.
Speaker:You get alphas that are men you look up
Speaker:to and admire.
Speaker:And then there are Alphas that are
Speaker:total douche-bag Alphas but you can’t
Speaker:deny that these douche-bags are Alpha.
Speaker:But this book is not about the ethics
Speaker:or qualities of different types of
Speaker:The point is just to point out that.
Speaker:Alphas come in different forms.
Speaker:The same as Beta males that come in
Speaker:different forms.
Speaker:Some Betas are good men and some are
Speaker:evil little men that will sucker punch
Speaker:you from behind.
Speaker:If you are trying to be alpha for
Speaker:negative reasons or bad intentions then
Speaker:this book is not for you.
Speaker:This book is about adding value to the
Speaker:world not taking from it.
Speaker:The Alpha Mindset.
Speaker:The key to being Alpha is your mindset.
Speaker:The way you see the world.The.
Speaker:Alpha mindset is not your big muscles,
Speaker:your achievements or level of success.
Speaker:(Although these things are important
Speaker:they are not the key.)
Speaker:All your achievements come from the
Speaker:reality that you have an alpha mindset.
Speaker:You developed an Alpha mindset first
Speaker:and then you achieved the things you
Speaker:wanted.Betas also achieve things in
Speaker:life but it’s mostly not what they
Speaker:It’s mostly what they think society
Speaker:wants them to do.
Speaker:So what is at the heart of being an
Speaker:The Alpha male is alpha because he
Speaker:lives by the rules of his own
Speaker:reality.He is the center of his own
Speaker:He has a code he lives by.
Speaker:This code is one he created for himself.
Speaker:He doesn’t get his code from the
Speaker:outside world.
Speaker:He always rises above the mainstream
Speaker:mediocrity in everything he does.
Speaker:He walks his own path.
Speaker:The saddest part of many men with Alpha
Speaker:qualities and Alpha potential is that
Speaker:they get pulled back into the Matrix
Speaker:and get seduced by the feminine culture
Speaker:and get turned into nice obedient
Speaker:little betas.
Speaker:Why does this happen?
Speaker:we all have the Beta potential within
Speaker:Of course,
Speaker:some are born with a lot of beta
Speaker:potential and others develop that
Speaker:mindset through conditioning.
Speaker:And others,
Speaker:as mentioned above,
Speaker:have a lot of alpha potential and
Speaker:choose to develop those qualities.
Speaker:The modern western culture has
Speaker:developed into a culture that is
Speaker:dominated by feminist and beta values.
Speaker:This makes it very tempting for men to
Speaker:get pulled back into beta mindsets.
Speaker:The way we were raised plays a major
Speaker:role in how this potential plays out in
Speaker:real life.
Speaker:Another major part is the mainstream
Speaker:culture and the feminist influence in
Speaker:In modern schools and universities the
Speaker:Alpha male qualities are seen as a
Speaker:threat and are discouraged.
Speaker:And what the mainstream sees as
Speaker:“dangerous” must be suppressed.
Speaker:So many young boys with Alpha Potential
Speaker:get molded into “nice” betas.
Speaker:Many men with some alpha qualities get
Speaker:lost when they get married or go into
Speaker:They give away their sovereignty and
Speaker:then are shocked when their
Speaker:relationship ends badly.
Speaker:They choose to compromise on their
Speaker:inner Alpha.
Speaker:When it comes to relationships and
Speaker:dating many men allow women to run
Speaker:their lives and dominate their
Speaker:Rising Above The Mediocre.
Speaker:So most Alpha Qualities in us get
Speaker:stirred or activated with our good old
Speaker:friend Testosterone.
Speaker:Testosterone is seen by many in the
Speaker:modern world as the enemy but without
Speaker:it no progress in the world would have
Speaker:been possible.
Speaker:So to put it in simple terms
Speaker:testosterone is like gas that gets
Speaker:poured over the alpha spark that is
Speaker:already present in you.
Speaker:This Alpha spark then turns into a fire.
Speaker:It’s this fire that allows men to
Speaker:rise above the mediocre and do
Speaker:extraordinary things.
Speaker:It allows Alpha Males to try things,
Speaker:develop and explore - Things like -
Speaker:Starting a business that most think
Speaker:will never work.
Speaker:Walking up to the most beautiful woman
Speaker:in the bar and starting a conversation.
Speaker:Getting on a plane without telling
Speaker:anyone and fly off to a tropical island.
Speaker:Investing money in companies
Speaker:“everyone” thinks is a bad idea.
Speaker:Speaking up when no one else will.
Speaker:And taking a stand when nobody else
Speaker:The alpha will do things no other man
Speaker:will do because Alphas do what they do.
Speaker:Alpha’s don’t do what other people
Speaker:expect of them.
Speaker:The Alpha doesn’t look around to see
Speaker:what everybody else is doing.
Speaker:Everybody else looks around to see what
Speaker:the Alpha is doing.
Speaker:He lives in his own world with his own
Speaker:So you have to find a way to go back to
Speaker:your Alpha roots and develop them.
Speaker:Find your sense of risk again.
Speaker:Go against what everyone expects of you
Speaker:and as corny as it sounds follow your
Speaker:heart or intuition.
Speaker:Deep down in your soul,
Speaker:you know if you are going in the right
Speaker:Follow that voice of your intuition.
Speaker:It’s truth-talking.
Speaker:Get your self-discipline back and start
Speaker:embracing personal development as a way
Speaker:of life.
Speaker:Start rebuilding the way you think
Speaker:about reality.
Speaker:Read books on a wide range of topics
Speaker:and start building your mindset back in
Speaker:the direction of Alpha.
Speaker:Build your mental strength.
Speaker:Have the courage to walk alone.
Speaker:Wake Up.
Speaker:Contrary to what you might have been
Speaker:told life is not a romantic comedy.
Speaker:Hollywood movie.
Speaker:In fact,
Speaker:it’s more likely a horror movie.
Speaker:Life in and by itself is a horror movie.
Speaker:The idea that there was ever a time in
Speaker:history where men got born into a life
Speaker:that was easy is a myth.
Speaker:For many,
Speaker:life is a horror movie from the start.
Speaker:In the modern world,
Speaker:most think life is a romantic comedy
Speaker:They think life will somehow work
Speaker:itself out if you just “let things
Speaker:happen”But these people in their
Speaker:little protected bubbles get a rude
Speaker:awakening when they realize they are
Speaker:vulnerable and they are in big trouble.
Speaker:They then freak out and look for
Speaker:someone to blame.
Speaker:They look for a way to somehow become
Speaker:the victim.
Speaker:The victim card is an easy one and a
Speaker:very popular one these days.
Speaker:It’s popular because if you are a
Speaker:victim then you can point at someone
Speaker:If you are a victim then your life is
Speaker:not your responsibility.
Speaker:A lie was sold to us in Hollywood with
Speaker:a Romcom script.
Speaker:In the movie,
Speaker:we live happily ever after without any
Speaker:resistance from life.
Speaker:But in reality,
Speaker:life has different ideas.
Speaker:Life demands that you recognize the
Speaker:rules of the universe or pay the price.
Speaker:If you choose to ignore the rules of
Speaker:the Universe then you wake up in a
Speaker:horror movie.
Speaker:If you don’t accept the fact that
Speaker:things are not automatically supposed
Speaker:to work out then you will wake up in a
Speaker:living nightmare.
Speaker:A good life demands that you do the
Speaker:A great life demands a commitment to a
Speaker:mission of excellence.
Speaker:It demands that you make a choice.
Speaker:The universe makes it abundantly clear
Speaker:that we all have the same opportunity
Speaker:as other men.
Speaker:Your circumstances might be better or
Speaker:worse than others but the opportunity
Speaker:remains the same.
Speaker:I have seen rich kids live the life of
Speaker:losers.And poor kids live the life of
Speaker:The opportunity is still here for all
Speaker:of us.
Speaker:But the choice to use the opportunity
Speaker:is yours and yours alone.But the only
Speaker:thing that is equal is
Speaker:opportunity.Everything else is up to
Speaker:Guess what?
Speaker:Your brain did not evolve to make you
Speaker:It evolved to help you survive in the
Speaker:ancient reality of our species.
Speaker:Happiness and success is your
Speaker:Your brain just wants to survive.
Speaker:So success and happiness are up to you.
Speaker:And since you are reading this I. guess
Speaker:you want to be happy and successful.
Speaker:You want to suck all the juice out of
Speaker:life in the little time you have on
Speaker:this planet.
Speaker:So we have ancient brains.
Speaker:We have a modern world with loads of
Speaker:We have ancient bodies that have to
Speaker:resist the elements,
Speaker:and temptations.
Speaker:Both the brain and body have to be
Speaker:aligned and coordinated in order for
Speaker:you to stay on the path of your mission.
Speaker:The good news is that the wise men
Speaker:before us made some notes.Notes in the
Speaker:form of books.
Speaker:It is true when they say “Success
Speaker:Leaves Clues”
Speaker:The legends of the past wrote down that
Speaker:if we take certain actions we will get
Speaker:certain results.
Speaker:In general,
Speaker:this is the law of Cause And effect.
Speaker:If you follow this law then you can use
Speaker:its power to bend reality to your will.
Speaker:Your willpower will be the difference
Speaker:between you and the millions of average
Speaker:men walking on this planet.
Speaker:My will is extremely strong.
Speaker:I feed it to keep it hungry.
Speaker:I want it to be sharp and hungry at all
Speaker:I want it hungry!
Speaker:Then it will go after the goals and
Speaker:objectives that I set for it.
Speaker:To keep your will hungry remind
Speaker:yourself of the pain that waits for you
Speaker:if you don’t take action.
Speaker:Remind your will of the horror movie
Speaker:that waits if you don’t take action.
Speaker:So cause and effect will guide you.
Speaker:And if you learn the principles of
Speaker:winning you will be unstoppable.
Speaker:If your iron will is guided by Self-
Speaker:Discipline you will be an unstoppable
Speaker:But to unleash these powerful forces
Speaker:you need to commit.
Speaker:If you are a cornered animal right now
Speaker:then good.If you feel like you have
Speaker:been punched in the mouth then good.
Speaker:I get it.
Speaker:I have been there.
Speaker:I have been in the deepest mental holes
Speaker:that you can imagine.
Speaker:I’m not telling you to impress you.
Speaker:I’m telling you to let you know that
Speaker:I have been there.
Speaker:I. know how bad things can get.
Speaker:But I also know it’s possible to get
Speaker:But Like I mentioned before,
Speaker:you have to commit.
Speaker:You have to choose to make a change.
Speaker:You have to decide to fight back
Speaker:against the forces of the universe.
Speaker:These forces are here to test us.
Speaker:To test the depths of our spirit.
Speaker:The depths of our hearts.
Speaker:It wants to see what you do when you
Speaker:are forgotten.
Speaker:When you are written off as a
Speaker:loser.When you are written off as
Speaker:someone that “Will never make
Speaker:it”This is the test.
Speaker:How do you react when all the odds are
Speaker:against you?
Speaker:Do you crawl into a corner and cry?
Speaker:Or do you slowly get to your feet?
Speaker:And say,”Screw this,
Speaker:this changes now.”If you do that life
Speaker:Commit to building a life that you will
Speaker:Commit to creating a reality for
Speaker:yourself that is a dream.
Speaker:But a dream that you never want to
Speaker:All you have to do is get up.
Speaker:Get up and make a choice.
Speaker:This has been
Speaker:Alpha Mindset -A Guide For Men:
Speaker:How To Build Self-Confidence,
Speaker:Dream Big,
Speaker:Overcome Fear,
Speaker:And Build Better Relationships Written by
Speaker:John Winters
Speaker:Narrated by Russell Newton.