
Published on:

18th Nov 2020

Start Each Day Knowing That It is Yours to Conquer

Change your self-critic into your self-cheerleader. Our behavior comes from our thoughts, and our thoughts come from our beliefs. Thankfully, our self-talk can change this entire sequence and allow us to control our own fate. Quit self-sabotage and stop your negative thoughts before they happen.

Hear it Here - https://bit.ly/selftalktrenton

Transform Your Self-Talk is all about changing the narrative you’ve told yourself your entire life. It’s probably disempowering, and robbing you of the belief you should have in yourself. No one should start our days feeling defeat. This book will dissect every mental habit you possess, and rebuild your self-talk from the ground up. Start each and every day knowing that it is yours to conquer. You are what you believe. Will you take advantage of this? Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in economics, followed by an MA in behavioral psychology. Stop living in your head and start living the life you want. The real science of self-talk and how it changes your body.

The true root of negative self-talk and self-esteem - and what to do about it. The role of cognitive behavioral therapy in changing self-talk. Thought replacement and positive scripts. Everyday self-care practices and exercises. End your overthinking habit and live with self-esteem, compassion, and gratitude. There’s no reason that you shouldn’t be happy, comfortable, relaxed, and confidence each day. Rescue yourself from your mental prison, break free, and seize the life that you want.

©2020 Nick Trenton (P)2020 Nick Trenton

#NickTrenton #TransformYourSelfTalk #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #SelfTalk

Nick Trenton,Transform Your Self Talk,Russell Newton,NewtonMG,Self Talk

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About the Podcast

Voice over Work - An Audiobook Sampler
Audiobook synopsises for the masses
You know that guy that reads all the time, and always has a book recommendation for you?

Well, I read and/or produce hundreds of audiobooks a year, and when I read one that has good material, I feature it here. This is my Recommended Listening list. These choices are not influenced by authors or sponsors, just books worthy of your consideration.

About your host

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Russell Newton