
Published on:

9th Dec 2020

How to Think with Intention by Patrick King, Chapter by Chapter

Identify and transform the mental blocks that keep you fearful, anxious, and passive.

Hear it Here - https://bit.ly/thinkwithintention

Every day, we have thousands of thoughts. There is a way to ensure that these thoughts uplift and empower you, instead of beat you down. It’s called intentional thinking, and it’s a skill that underlies true peace and fulfillment.

Replace your old narratives with empowering mindsets and mental models.

How to Think with Intention dissects some of the most powerful mental blocks we can have: blocks in belief, confidence, self-protection, and growth. These have been deeply programmed into us, and while that’s not our fault, it is now our responsibility. You’ll gain incredibly actionable approaches to noticing and changing your thoughts, and ultimately controlling them.

We will approach each new type of mindset with a 4-step psychological framework. Take yourself from someone who is at the mercy of your unconscious triggers to someone who can start each and every day knowing that it is yours to conquer.

Become mindful, aware, and completely in control of your thoughts and actions.

Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and social skills coach. His writing draws of a variety of sources, from scientific research, academic experience, coaching, and real life experience.

How to talk to yourself for confidence, belief, and calm.

• Understand the root of your fears of action

• Identify your self-narrative and transform it

• Learn about how self-deception is your worst enemy

• Learn elements of cognitive behavioral therapy and how it helps change your thoughts and self-talk

• Getting behind imposter syndrome, information overload, and inappropriate expectations

You have the ability to choose your life. Use it.

There’s no reason that you shouldn’t be happy, comfortable, relaxed, and confidence each day. Rescue yourself from your mental prison, break free, and seize the life that you want.

#Identify #Intention #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #PatrickKing #ImposterSyndrome #InformationOverload #InappropriateExpectations #SocialSkillsCoaching #HowtoThinkwithIntention

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About the Podcast

Voice over Work - An Audiobook Sampler
Audiobook synopsises for the masses
You know that guy that reads all the time, and always has a book recommendation for you?

Well, I read and/or produce hundreds of audiobooks a year, and when I read one that has good material, I feature it here. This is my Recommended Listening list. These choices are not influenced by authors or sponsors, just books worthy of your consideration.

About your host

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Russell Newton