
Published on:

25th Dec 2023

Anti-Anxious by Nick Trenton , Chapter by Chapter

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Who is in control of your mood and life - you or your wayward thoughts and emotions?

Here's the thing - life is what we think it is. And we can control our thoughts. It's time to transform your negative thoughts into a fulfilling, empowering, and positive narrative.

How a little bit of self-acceptance and compassion will change your life.

ANTI-ANXIOUS understands the struggles you are going through. The author of this book understand that you can't sleep at night, you overreact, and you appear to be sensitive. That you are plagued with self-doubt, you often feel no self-value, and that things are just too hard for "someone like you." He's been there, and he gets it.

That's why this book is so darned effective. It truly takes you through the psychology of negative thinking and breaks it down for what it is: cognitive distortions brought on by damaging self-perceptions. He takes you through the entire process of how to pre-empt negative thoughts, cope with them, and finally hear yourself of them.

Learn advanced psychology techniques to drastically alter your perspective.

Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

Learn to understand what your brain is telling you - and switch it for something better!

The ways your self-talk can influence the tiniest things in your life

The cognitive distortions you use everyday without realizing

How to analyze your thoughts - right in the moment

Growing your self-awareness or how you form your emotions

Self-soothing and how to cope with stress and negativity

Battling toxic positivity and being real and vulnerable with your negativity

Packed with actionable techniques to see the world differently - immediately.


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AntiAnxious,Behavioral,Behavioral Psychology,Nick Trenton,Overthinking,Stop Overthinking,Russell Newton,NewtonMG,Anti-Anxious,Nick Trenton

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About the Podcast

Voice over Work - An Audiobook Sampler
Audiobook synopsises for the masses
You know that guy that reads all the time, and always has a book recommendation for you?

Well, I read and/or produce hundreds of audiobooks a year, and when I read one that has good material, I feature it here. This is my Recommended Listening list. These choices are not influenced by authors or sponsors, just books worthy of your consideration.

About your host

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Russell Newton