12 Steps to Defining Your Goals - Empower Your Momentum Audiobook Spotlight
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The First Step is to have a desire that makes you excited just thinking
about it.
The Second Step is to believe that you can achieve your goal because if
you don't think you can, you won't make any effort to change your
The Third Step is to put your goal in writing.
The Fourth Step is to determine your starting point to set goals within
reach and avoid making the mistake of aiming too high right out of the
The Fifth Step is to determine why you want to achieve your goal and
write it down.
The Sixth Step is to identify a date in the future when you set out
again to achieve what you want.
The Seventh Step is to identify the obstacles separating you from your
goal, what habits you will need to change, and why you still need to
accomplish your desire.
The Eighth Step is to determine the skills and information you will need
to learn; for example, if you want to become an actor, it would be a
good idea to enroll in an acting class or improve your diction.
The Ninth Step is to determine what people you will need around you.
The Tenth Step is to draw up an action plan; a plan is a list of actions
you'll need to complete to get from where you are to where you want to
The Eleventh Step is to visualize your goal often as if you have already
achieved it; this will help you overcome any limiting beliefs you may
The Twelfth Step is not to give up! If your goal is fundamental before
you start working on it, you must promise yourself that no matter your
problems or difficulties, you will persevere until you achieve it.
Now you need to create an Action Plan.
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